Busy Weekend

March 22, 2009

Before yesterday I’d never jogged more than 3 miles. My goal this year is to run a marathon (just over 26 miles).  I’d started the weekend with a goal of 80 miles on the bike, but was quickly deterred from this plan, by a family dinner Saturday.  Since my aunt has a treadmill, I decided to run 5 miles.

I wasn’t sure how to pace myself for it, so I just set the machine for 5mph.  This was a mistake, and I could tell immediately, but I couldn’t be sure 6 wouldn’t kill me.

At 2.5 miles I felt good.  At 30 minutes both shoes came untied, one then the other.  Then suddenly I was at 4 miles, and I felt un-tapped.  Time to bring up the heat!

I set the machine to 8mph, and as the mile flew by, I knew I still had more in me.

At a quarter mile, I maxed out the machine at 10mph and ran my heart out.  This was the burn I was looking for!  Huge superman strides, suddenly my upper body wasn’t moving up and down.  I was just staying in place and throwing my legs.  Honestly I think I could have sprinted faster, but certainly not for any length of time.  I’ve never run so fast for so long.  When I was done my amazing 5 miles, I slowly brought the machine down to 5mph, then 3, then 2.  I felt wonderful!

Today I set off for my 40 miles, but miscalculated slightly.  There’s a few miles from my house to the ‘loop’ that I didn’t ride twice.  Still, I’m very satisfied with the ride for several reasons:

  • Since I can run at 10mph, I would not allow myself to ride slower than that.
  • I never used the granny gear.
  • Wheeler Rd is fun!

Ride stats:

1:55’37, 31.01mi (week: 98.81mi)
avg 16.0mph, max 38.9mph
41ºF, Odo 149.8mi
Cadence: 80s (Not bad)


Total climb: 1779ft

Total climb: 1779ft


This was a very fun ride.  I took my hilly twenty and went straight up the first big hills (Pine Hill to Farley to Nevins).  I climbed the longest, most painful, ascent (Farley) then took Pine Hill out to Rt 130, and rode Wheeler all the way back.  I estimated this was my ‘half  way’ point, but I wasn’t even beginning to feel tired.  I had allowed myself use of the granny gear on the second twenty miles, if I felt tired, and packed a power bar in case I wanted to stop in the middle.  I never want to stop.

Turns out the middle was closer to 15 miles, and while I did start to feel tired near the end, I still never used the granny gear or the power bar.  After my first time over wheeler, I took the (steep, short) Farley hill up to S. Merrimack Rd and flew down Nevins (38.9mph).  I backtracked from there.  Nevins to Wheeler to Rt 130 to Pine Hill and home.  As a 30 mile route, it was lovely.

The hikers and bikers and I all smiled to eachother, as if we shared a secret.  What a beautiful day!

I’ve Missed You

November 9, 2008

My calculations show I missed 12 days. At 13.52 a day, that’s 162.24 miles. Well I set aside some time today to ride, but not that much time. Still, I’m going to get out and ride today. I haven’t planned a route, but I have an idea.

My idea had been 50 miles, but after 15 I knew that wasn’t going to happen.  I stopped at a tiny cemetery, ate my monster peanutbutter and jelly sandwich, and read the stones.  The oldest was 1815.

As I ate my sandwich, a cyclist past on his own 20mi route, and asked if I needed assistance.  I thanked him, and let him know I was ok.  Another pair of cyclists passed, drafting.  I waved, but they barely seemed to notice.  They were working.

Still, it was a good ride.  I started with the idea that I’d buy some leggings when I passed the bike shop, unless my legs felt ok.  My legs felt fine, I didn’t stop.  I brought a windbreaker but never wore it.  I only had bike shorts and a long sleeve techwick shirt.  Unfortunately this shirt fits loosely, creating drag.  Though I felt a bit chilly the whole time, it was only when a big cloud covered the sun that I started to worry.  The cloud passed, I warmed up in the sunlight.

The hills were killer.  Though I never broke 500ft, my total climb was 1669ft, and it hurt.  I never used the granny gear.

1:44’37, 30.48mi
avg 17.4mph, max 43.5mph
50-55ºF, Odo 2653.0mi
Cadence: 86rpm