Bike to Work, day 83

September 3, 2008

Now that’s more like it!

I couldn’t get to sleep last night, I couldn’t pull myself together to get ready on time (I blame Fatty), I didn’t have breakfast…

But I did stretch.

There isn’t a huge difference in time, but I can personally tell you there was a huge difference in the feel of the ride.  I felt good.  I enjoyed myself.  It feels like it’s been a while since that’s happened.

22:00, 6.5mi
57ºF, Odo 2131mi
avg 17.7mph, max 27.5mph

It wasn’t a big stretch, just about 5 seconds for each muscle group, but what a difference!

In slightly related news, Fit Chick kicked serious tail at the Louisville Ironman competition.  This is recommended reading, it really pulled me in.  One part that really hit me was where she adds “Susan” to her running mantra.  “Quick.  Light.  Susan.” If you don’t know who Susan is, read up here.  The long and short of it is Susan has cancer.  Susan’s husband, Eldon, aka “Fatty”, writes an incredibly funny blog and raises money for the Lance Armstrong foundation and is generally a hero.  I check these two pages, FitChick and FatCyclist, often; it’s inspiring stuff!

My ride home felt strong, too.  Eating and stretching this time, but I do not have time to elaborate.  Work let out late, and I have to get to the karate studio!

21:45, 6.5mi
77ºF, Odo 2137mi
avg 18.0mph, max 29.4mph